Saturday, October 4, 2008

Week 4-Making the Ordinary-Extraordinary!!!


Mardi Gras - photo by Ebonie Photo 1 CI Major 1 Assignment
(Focus on framing,depth of field, colour) I used two masks I bought in New Orleans and a 8x10 school picture of my son. 

This week and last have been incredibly difficult for me in terms of school work- and it all began with an assignment called making the ordinary,extraordinary. This creative Imaging assignment was the ultimate taxing event to ever happen to my psyche. You have to understand I'm all about clarity and I'm about as straight forward as they come. I see black and white and shades of gray either fall in the black side or the white. I spent the last 2 weeks in a blur of motion shooting over 650 pictures to attain this extraordinary. It's not that I didn't have ideas but I felt a twinge of regret that I didn't have the skills with the camera to accomplish the notions plaguing my brain. I did once or twice dream about dropping a "Wad of dough" at the photo shop to get me one of those cool macro lenses. But I persevered, and thought to my self "I can do this with what I have, I'm going to make this happen." Well, Three meetings later with Gabrielle (our TA) and a meeting with Sarah, Not to mention the countless support from fellow students  I was comforted with "no your not quite there- you need to think outside the box- put things out of context....." My poor husband, who spent many a time with me helping throw umbrella's into trees, putting bears onto railway tracks ,and blowing bubbles in front of the camera, just kept encouraging me, knowing I was probably missing the mark.( I'll post a slide show of my attempts,to provide a good laugh-just give me a day or two). Even my children began to wonder If mom was still in charge of her faculties.(I was playing with their toys trying to make them appear miraculously real) It was this past week Thursday I finally had the break through and finally completed the assignment. I declared proudly and gleefully during dinner that I finally did it! My youngest son looked at me with fear in his eyes and said " mom,you didn't paste my face onto a GI Joe doll did you???"


AmandaO said...

Hey! I met you today! And look! I'm commenting on your blog! Oh yes. :)

I can't wait to see what you came up with for your CI assignment. It sounds like you put a lot of work into it. I bet it turned out great!

Cassandra Steen said...

haha I love this story! Can't wait to see your pics on wed..