Friday, January 30, 2009

What a Surreal day!

Today was a  fun /unique kind of day in CI. CI (Creative Imaging) is always an interesting push of ones creative abilities.  I always feel a little "stretched" and "pulled" outside the safe boundaries of my "box". Today was no exception, after a long lecture of famous photographers noted for their type of photography exhibiting  either "Straight"or
"Surrealistic" attributes,  we were given an afternoon assignment of producing a photo/image of a cityscape of both types. Shooting the straight was easy- Point and shoot, as you see it , level, great depth of field with lots of details. Surrealism on the other hand is capturing the image the eyes see but the brain has not yet been able to process. A slightly different way of viewing the city. I used the Idea of reflection  to create a few surrealistic views of the city. Hope you enjoy!

This well known picture I shot through a store window and created a new backdrop of the buildings behind me, behind the kids.

This was a movie poster behind dirty glass that reflected the buildings behind. 

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