Monday, September 7, 2009

Long Weekend Relaxation

Late day light on the trees in our back bush

Long weekend and 3 wonderful days of awesome temperatures and sunshine-something sadly lacking these past summer months! Almost a tease to those heading back into the fall routine and school schedules this week. Our family had a very laid back weekend , nothing urgent on our schedules! I must say after about day 3 of laid back-ness , I was looking for something to do. That's why when my oldest son suggested on Monday night to go for a hike in our back bush I jumped! In retrospect probably not the wisest thing to have done... I donned on the jeans, and covered myself in Deep Wood Off ,but nothing could have prepared me for the mosquito onslaught! I should have known after weeks of rain and 3 warm days- this was bound to happen! Not even the bug spray would keep them away! My son and I lasted about 20 minutes in the bush, checking out the changing leaves, ducks, beaver damns and yes, a deserted tree fort. I'm always scouting out locations for shoots and there is definitely some potential there, however maybe sometime after first frost (natural mosquito control) may be a better time to revisit them!
 It was special, spending time with my son (kind of reminded me of much earlier years) and getting time with them as they grow older is scarce-  I guess the 30 or so mosquito bites were a small price to pay for the memory! 

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