Thursday, October 30, 2008

Taking and Making a photo! Cup of hot chocolate.

Wow, 2 posts in one night! I should be working on my essay on Yousuf Karsh for our Analogue Techniques course but blogging just seemed a little easier. This week we did an afternoon assignment with the topic being taking and making a photo. I think taking a photo is maybe more the photographer's response to seeing an opportunity and capturing a moment. Making a photo involves a lot more of a thought process involving choices a photographer has to make with the formal aspects, such as lighting, aperture size, angle, shutter speed, framing, and the list goes on. In these choices, the photographer gives a bit of insight or context, clues as you will, to how he/she feels about the subject matter or how they want the viewer to respond to their photo. My first photo is a cup of hot chocolate . The second cup of hot chocolate is a most delectable, chocolate infused, desirable, got-to-have-it-cup of hot coco. I made choices of larger aperture(f5.6) so the whipping cream would be the focus not the cup, lighting provided texture for the whipping cream, black and white(Monochrome) emphasized the chocolate sprinkles on top, and the angle looking down helped to put the viewer in the position of imaging themselves going in for the taste test.(Can't you just imagine it!)A chocoholics dream come true! Yum Yum!

1 comment:

AmandaO said...

Oh my, these photos are delightful. Now every time I see hot chocolate, I think of you. :D