Saturday, October 17, 2009

Thanksgiving- I'm thankful for snow???

Thanksgiving-with SNOW!!! I know in my previous blog I was in denial, but I'm maybe coming around and seeing the beauty of the white stuff ( Someone give me a shake!) We drove through about 3 mini snow storms on the way to the Lake to consume Mom's Turkey dinner. Three mini snow storms is a lot considering it's only a 45 min. drive! As we sat down to dinner we began to hear the snow coming down. That's not good- Hearing snow is not right, that means there is ice in those pellets! We went to look at what was coming down and to my surprise it resembled an ice cream snack we had when we visited Walt Disney World-  minus the flavor! Kind of like styrofoam broken up into it's round little bits. I grabbed the camera and the kids and we went for a walk to capture some of the beauty.

 Above: Snow captured by Mom's ornamental cabbage.

Above: Alex can't really believe is eyes.

Snow nestled in the fall leaves.

 Below: The boys look out on the Lake.

This could be a holiday card picture... I'm so not ready to go there!!!!

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