Thursday, November 5, 2009

Dirty Little Secrets

The Quest: The fridge half cleaned!

Ahhh.... A day off. Yah right!  See, my sister from Calgary is coming next week and staying with us for a few days. This is really good but really bad at the same time. It's forcing me to "fess up" and admit I've been a little lax with the house chores- ohhh, about how long you ask-- for about a year and a half . The timing of it coincides with the beginning of photography school last September, and really hasn't found an end.

I think it hit me this morning as I drove my boys to school at 7:30a.m. . The sun was just coming up over the horizon and my oldest asked for a stick of gum from my purse. "Sure" I said  as I reached into my purse in the murky darkness. Out came the wallet first. Then my kit of digital cards for my camera, then my spare camera battery,......(I was beginning to wonder if I had left anything in my Camera bag) What kind of mother doesn't have the child essentials like band aides, tissue, or gum in her purse but can offer to instantly produce a full photo shoot with the contents of her purse!  All right, it was apparent my life was slowly being consumed by photography, even my purse was suffering from serious neglect.
I vowed when I arrived home that I would tackle at least one project for that morning. I knew what that project had to be- The whole job had a very apparent "stench" to it. It meets me everyday, every time I enter the kitchen. I had today to deal with it.
Cleaning out the fridge is probably my least favorite household chore. It's having to deal with with unexpected surprises-if you know what mean - and realizing how many unnecessary purchases I've made at the grocery store. How many times do I purchase an item an repurchase that exact item 2 days later-Below-case in point- 2 jars of Tostitos dip-One just isn't enough! I also began to notice a pattern of collections- does one family really need 6 jars of pickles in various forms or 4 jars of mustard???

As I made my way through the fridge contents , I came across ingredients that were long forgotten in the back recess of the selves. I can't for the life of me remember what recipe I used this Burgundy Cooking Wine for -and it has 12 % Alcohol???!!!!

Oh look, and here's living proof of my last cleaning out date- Does that really say May 07 on the top as the expiry date!!!!

These pimientos tasted good once in a Ham dish- They have seen much better days!!!

I stated earlier that my purse had been consumed by photography-apparently so has the fridge. I found the roll of film I've be missing for a few months! Humm -A Tip for cleaning! (Let's stay focused on cleaning!!!)

Cleaning projects are never in themselves a single entity. Of course as I finished cleaning out the fridge, moving it's contents from the counter back to their home in the cold, I had to look through the kitchen window... those curtains are looking a little gray .... I'm sure I'll have another day off soon! 

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